
Teardown Filters

Teardown Filters
This filter list will filter the product list displayed below.
Beware that they're saved through user session.
It's also working when selecting products in Compare mode.

Teardown program

1. Teardown program
Pick a teardown program from the list to be redirected to it

Filter by year

2. Filter by year
Years filters are available only if any year if available.

Filter by segment

3. Filter by segment
Pick a segment to filter product list by segment

Filter by product property

4. Filter by product property
The product list can be also filtered by product properties.
Those properties are specific to teardown program.
*Only available if enabled by administrator.

Free text search

5. Free text search
Filter product list by free text. exemple: "TDi", "Ambition", "Audi" or "2014".
There is no "search" button, the search will be performed on the fly.

Reset filters

6. Reset filters
Completely reset product filters and display all available products.