
By Parts

By Parts
The By Parts mode is a navigation by part instead of a navigation by product.
Picking a part will show all related product in a table.


1. Hierarchy
The full hierarchy is displayed here, so hierarchy data is not available (see Customize Hierarchies Data).
It's possible to browse by bookmarks or standard hierarchy.
Picking an element will refresh the table with regarding products.
For additional help with hierarchies, see the Hierarchies section.

By Parts details

2. By Parts details
By Parts result are displayed in this box, in a customizable, sortable and searchable table.

Customize Columns

3. Customize Columns
This button will display the Customize Columns dialog, to choose which information to display in the table.

Check a product

4. Check a product
Select rows to enter Compare Mode with selected products

Compare selected products

5. Compare selected products
Switch to Compare Mode with selected products.
At least two products must be selected.
Comparison mode is limited to 25 products, so only the 25 first checked products will switch to this mode.