
Property Picker Dialog

Property Picker Dialog
The Property Picker Dialog can be called from Search, System Sheet bill of material, Search and Export dialog.
It's a dialog that allow to pick different properties to display in Search, bill of material and report tables.

Data filter

1. Data filter
Write the name of data you need to find among current tab, it will filter list on the fly.

Type of data

2. Type of data
There are different kind of data that can be selected in tables :
  • Views, for pictures
  • Part data, for general part information (weight, supplier, ..)
  • Part properties
  • Product properties
Click a tab to show related data as a list below.

Views data

3. Views data
Views are ordered by group views.
A group can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on its name.
All views inside a group can be selected or unselected using the checkbox on its parent.
View names are searchable using the input box above.

Product Data

This is available information for product data.

Part Data

5. Part Data
Available part data.

Part properties data

6. Part properties data
A list of part properties, that can be found on Part Sheet,  are ordered by part property groups.
A group can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on its name.
All views inside a group can be selected or unselected using the checkbox of its parent.
When in By Parts page, an additionnal "Show only when data is available" option is available.
When checked, the By Parts table will show only part properties columns among selected ones, having a value for the current part.

Product properties

7. Product properties
A list of product properties, that can be found on Product Sheet, are ordered by part property groups.
A group can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on its name.
All views inside a group can be selected or unselected using the checkbox of its parent.

Save selection

8. Save selection
After saving selection, the dialog is closed and selected data are processed by the calling functionality (custimizing table columns, selecting data for a report...)