

The Compare Mode allow users to compare from 2 to 25 products in a single screen.
Data, Weights, Charts and Schematics can be compared.
The Compare Selection screen is the default page when entering Compare mode.


1. Hierarchy
The full hierarchy is displayed here, so hierarchy data is not available (see Customize Hierarchies Data).
It's possible to browse by bookmarks or standard hierarchy.
Picking an element will refresh the compare page with regarding products.
For additional help with hierarchies, see the Hierarchies section.

Compare Modes

2. Compare Modes
Switch views depending on data to compare.
Compare Data is the default compare mode.

Products Comparison Selection

3. Products Comparison Selection
Products to compare are displayed as columns. Data are displayed as rows.
Clicking a product name will redirect to its Product Sheet.
Products can be reordered using the green arrows, or by Drag & Drop them from a position to another.
To remove a product from the list, click the red cross icon.

Comparison results box

4. Comparison results box
Results are displayed in this box. See each available compare views to get more help.