When the supplier is available, it is possible to check which parts in current product are made from this supplier, by clicking the "Other parts from this supplier in this product" :
The "Other manufacturers making this part" link shows supplier's concurrency on other products :
Properties can be text, numeric, yes/no, memo or document.
Clicking on a property value will popup a menu to interact with Search :
"Search this property" will add related product property as a search criteria.
"Search this value" will search for other data having with this value.
When the text value of the property is a link URL (starts with "http"), the context menu shows an addtional entry "Open link".
If some numeric part properties are set to "aggregated", they will also be shown on parents system sheets, and can be selected in the Customize Hierarchy Dialog.
Some properties can be edited by some users, depending on rights. See Edit Part Properties.
If part properties are defined as array, they are displayed in an array (properties in columns, values in lines) :
Part fasteners can have more information, such as pictures and properties. This information is not shown by default, this banner will expand current fastener details.