
Property Filter Picker

Property Filter Picker
The Property Filter Picker Dialog is a dialog that allows you to set filters on properties where you have the option to do so.

Property type

1. Property type
There are different kind of data :
- Product data : general product information, for example : model year or segment,
- Product properties : user-defined product information,
- Part data : general part information, for example : weight or quantity,
- Part properties : user-defined part information.
Click on a tab to show related data


2. Filters
A row is cut like :
- Name of the property
- Reference product / part value for this property ( if any )
- Filter operator, "=" for exact match, "between" for range on numeric data, "values" for multi-selection
- Select button only for operator "values", you can click on it, a data picker dialog will appear
- First selected values, if the operator used is "values"
For each property you can set filters.